Friday 18 March 2016

Book Selling

Book Review: Sanspell by Elizabeth Pulford

Her mother's summer dress lay untouched, Abigail stood there puzzled. She should be dressed by now thought Abigail. “Quickly” said Abigail’s mum from behind her. “You will be needing warm clothes for this birthday trip”. Her mum puts a locket around Abigail’s neck and said “NEVER TAKE THIS OFF’’ in a stern voice.

Suddenly Abigail is whisked away into a new world. Soon a brown Ute comes up to Abigail and stops.
Who is in the ute?
What will happen next?
Will Abigail ever see her mum again?
What does the locket mean and why is she not allowed to take the locket of?


I would rate Sanspell by Elizabeth Pulford 4 and a half stars out of 5 because it is a little confusing but it is also a really good, fun book. I recommend this book for 9 year olds and up because it is a little scary.       


  1. I love the way you have added a picture and told me what you think about the book. Just a question... the first part... did you select that from the book or off the back of the blurb? It has really hooked me in.

    Use the Book-sell sheet to help you think of some things to include like a favourite word or what you are wondering about.

  2. Thanks Allana
    I did not get the first part from the blurb I am glad it hooked you in!
    Next time I will use a book sheet for sure :)
    from Adele

  3. Thanks Allana
    I did not get the first part from the blurb I am glad it hooked you in!
    Next time I will use a book sheet for sure :)
    from Adele
